
a stranger to myself.


Thursday, October 30, 2003

i love you ari! =)
i haven't posted in a long while... and ALOT has happened... waht is it you ask? prepare yourselves for a shock... i am no longer a cynic... yup! that's right! your eyes aren't playing tricks on you... so what exactly did happen? how did this come to be? simple, i got a boyfriend... there's a really long and weird story behind this but here's the short version... there's this guy, ari... i've had the biggest crush on ari since i was in grade5! and that was about 5 years ago... i was a kid... and he had a girlfriend... i kinda settled into being his "little sister".... don't get me wrong, i loved being his "little sis" but i also had a huge crush on him... we lost contact when my celphone was stolen last summer but i saw him in the mall last august and we've kept in touch since... that was when i found out that he and the girl he had back in highschool broke up (aw....)... but i didnt get my hopes up... ive kinda figured i will forever be his "little sis"... but what a surprise! here we are today...TOGETHER... weird, dont you think? just when i thought i've got my life all figured out, life suddenly decides to surprise me... and im not complaining... =) just in case you're wondering.... he became my boyfriend last sunday, october 26... *sighs* thanks life!

Monday, October 20, 2003

*sigh* okay... hows my day? fine... fine... it was actually pretty good... (see! i have my good days! =p hehe) hm... another boring yet tiring school day... dont really have anything to say... just wanted to post... hehe

Saturday, October 18, 2003

haven't posted in a while... my tita was placed in her final resting place at about 11 in the morning of yesterday... hm... i dont like this day... people here at home are just about ordering me to do things... its not fair! thay're not my parents! who the hell do they think they are?! they wont even give me a moment to eat my dinner... ack! damn! damn! damn! damn!

Monday, October 13, 2003

hm... im in school... tired and sleepy... *yawn* hm... i miss my tita... =( its weird knowing that she wont be around... have been really busy... ive been helping people at my tita's wake... while we were in the funeral home inside the memorial park we also passed by my mom's grave... brought her white roses... i think she would have said thanks if she had the chance, dont you? *sigh* by the way, it was my nanay's (thats my mom's mom) birthday yesterday... happy birthday nanay...

Saturday, October 11, 2003

my tita passed away yesterday... it felt weird... i dont know how to react...

Thursday, October 09, 2003

erm.. yeah... i like this day... i hate this night... hm... why? because we didnt do alot today... but tonight was a real hassle... hm... sorry cant explain that further... *sigh* im cashless... people have been asking me to go out this weekend and i want to go! but i cant... =( i need money but i cant ask my dad... he's been in a not so good mood... *sigh* hm... i wanna cry... ah, damn... ive been told im depressive but i cant help it... sorry people im just really like this... damn!!! *sigh* (breathe, marah, breathe...) cant continue this... hope your lives have been more....tolerable than mine... good luck... we all need it...

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

oh! i almost forgot! thanks to Yaps for helping fix this blog! and for my kuya for helping me start it! =p
erm... so what happened to me today? hm.. well, im hot, im tired and im sick... ive had this damned migraine since last night... *sigh* didnt do alot in school today... our adviser was absent... some of my classmates were absent... alot were excused from around lunchtime onwards... i was stuck in the classroom... my really good friend was in our school today... but i missed him... damn... he's an alumnus so i dont get to see him often... i miss him though... *sigh* anyhoo... i spent an hour watching the jnj poeple... you see, i was supposed to join the jnj group but i wasnt listed... damn them all... so i spent an hour watching them thinking that i should have been with them and not taking up anatomy in PE class... damn... hm...[KeN] and i were working on songs today again... we've got a LONG way to go... *sigh* im home now... i think ill reread the 1st book of Sandman for the -nth time... *sigh*

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

*sigh* today was... weird... its our intrams today and i didnt have any event... well except for tug-of-war (3rd place!!!)... hm... i spent most of the day with my barkada... doing nothing... [KeN] (its a nick for my REALLY close friend... oh and by the way [KeN] is a girl okay??) and i are planning to start a band so we were writing songs and stuff like that the whole day... my ex-crush codenamed "fudgy" was weird... he kept staring at me... i should be happy right? well, lets just put it this way, im flattered, but kinda freaked out... i just tried not to seem like i cared... anyhoo... i had an interesting conversation through SMS today... my friend hisoka (more nicknames!) and i were talking about ancient cartoons... i mean who didnt go through He-Man? or She-Ra? (She-Ra rocks!!!) or Transformers? well, that was a really weird conversation.. if anyone ever reads the messages he'll think we were pre-schoolers! =p it was weird but it was good... it made me think, though... why did i grow up so fast??? im miss being carefree and...happy... i wanna be a kid again!!!

Monday, October 06, 2003

erm... what can i say? our chem teacher had mercy on us! we didnt have that chem quiz today... =) *sigh* im tired... not that we did alot today... im just really tired... slightly jaded but im okay... *sigh* i have to say sorry to my brother... i was just really pissed last night... *sigh* ever notice that i sigh alot? wala lang... *sigh* im missing alot of people today... =( to all the people i miss, "i miss you!!!" *sigh* ack! ill leave it here for now...

Sunday, October 05, 2003

okay.. okay... so today wasnt as annoying as i thought it would be... sure , sure... so life isnt that hellish after all... (oh, and remind me i said that and you're dead) of course tomorrow i'd take back my words and say that life's a bitch... but given that tomorrow is a monday... i hate mondays... especially mondays with chem and trig quizzes... which (unfortunately) is a way describes tomorrow... *sigh* what i would do to be a genius and get school over with... but hey, as i said life can be such a bitch... hm... i was talking to a really good friend of mine last night and the topic did go into this... is life really all that bad? well needless to say i was pessimistic while he was optimistic... in the end we agreed to disagree... erm.... yeah... i spoke too soon... once again my dear delightful brother ruined a perfectly good day... wow... congarats marah you almost had a decent day... too bad... ack! can i just please puke?!?!?!?!?!
i have spent the last few hours trying to make sense of my life (or lack of it)... what the hell is wrong with me?! im failing highschool... i mean what kind of an idiot fails highschool?! my friends are fighting against each other... my own brother puts me down bigtime! im in-love with a japanese rockstar who is about twice my age, not to mention married! i have had the biggest crush on the world's biggest jerk! im half mad in-love with one of my closest friends who happens to be the "property" of another very close friend! ive been debating against myself what i feel for someone who i know i cant fall in-love with but somehow i think i love him! damn! i mean look at it! what kind of life do i have?!?!?!

Saturday, October 04, 2003

the world is getting smaller... its closing in on me and my claustrophobia begins... the sky is falling... the ground is rising... im crying out to the heavens... when will it stop?! when will i be free?! when will i find him?
if i had wings
i would have gone to heaven

if i had beauty
i would have faced the lord

if i had dignity
i would have been an angel

if i had you
i would have been contented
being only human

~seraph, 10.51pm july 11, 2001