
a stranger to myself.


Monday, November 24, 2003

hi all! ^_^ its monday but i didnt have class! heehee... its an after foundation week restday... hm... had a tiring weekend with 3 performances for this school production... it was fun though... ari even watched on the gala performance last sat night... heehee... ^_^ spent sunday afternoon with ari too! my my wasnt it a fun weekend for me? heehee.... ^_^

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

hi baby! miss you na!! love you so very much!!! ^_^
erm... yeah... havent posted in a long long while... yeah... nothings up... this week is the 25th foundation week of our school... cheering competition tom... miss my baby... sorry! i know, i know its cheesy!!! *sighs* anyhoo... just really posted to say hi!!!!

Thursday, November 06, 2003

erm... yeah... its my birthday on saturday and some of my friends are coming over for a dinner thing... its like a party only its not... anyways... im excited about saturday but im tired of running around making sure everything is alright by sat... *sighs* plus ari wont be able to go to the dinner thing... he has a family event to go to... hassle... miss him pa naman... anyway... what have i been up to? um... there's saturday... then there's school... same old same old...

Sunday, November 02, 2003

hm.... nothing to say... what to say? what to say? my day was okay... hated some parts of it... loved the rest... hm... theres class tom... *sigh* still want to bum at home... oh well... thats life... erm... cant think of anything else to say eh... =p

Saturday, November 01, 2003

hm.. had a horrible night last night... dont ask... had a not too good day... dont ask... but my brother has been really nice to me all day... so thats a good thing.... and ari called me... thats ALWAYS a good thing... *sigh* i have a weird life... but right now im not complaining...