
a stranger to myself.


Wednesday, December 31, 2003

well... its new year's eve... AH!!!! ANG INGAY!!!!! !$%^)(*&^%$ well... anyway... what can i say? ive been through one sickness to another... gastritis, allergy, fever.... *sigh* luckily, im fine right now... but well... my studies are suffering from the constant days at home.... *sigh* things are weird... everything is in a not-so-constant routine... its boring but at least im not 1) in pain. 2) hassled. 3) depressed.... so we all see... everything is pretty much okay! ^_^

Sunday, December 07, 2003

hello! im back... and still alive... um... so whats up with me now? um... i was hospitalized about a week ago... that was november 28... i was there 'till sunday... then monday morning i was rushed back into the same hospital... dont worry im fine now... although at the time i was really screaming in pain... ari visited me friday and saturday of my confinement... ^_^ then monday my friends visited me... so thanks to yaps, albert, cole, joey, ricca and my little girl, richele... ^_^ thanks!!! um... what else... ari was here at home last friday... only for about an hour... but it was fun to see him with me not in a hospital bed... =p erm... what else... guess thats it for now... 'til next time! =p