
a stranger to myself.


Friday, January 30, 2004

thanks once again to yaps for keeping my blog from going down... for short thanks for fixing it constantly! ^_^ libre na lang kita on monday! ^_^ *sigh* just got home from the mall with erkie... had fun although we really didn't do anything... ^_^ ari was here at home before i went out... ^_^ yey! yey! and triple yey! ^_^ he's been seeing me more often! yey once again! hehe... ack! can't believe its our prom next sat (feb7)!!! @_@ need to buy shoes, shawl and purse! ack!! hassle!!! @_@ *sigh* anyhoo... just want to keep up with the fast track life of a blogger... =p love lots to my cuddles!!! *mmmwah!* ciao people! *mmmwahz all around!* ^_^

Thursday, January 29, 2004

hola cuddles!! ^_^ just posting again just to say i love you!! ^_^ *mmmmwah!*
just... bumming... as usual... have chorale practice tom... whole day again.... ak... tired..... anyhoo... ari left about an hour ago... *sigh* i miss him na... but heck... thats life... cant always have him around... *sigh* hi to cuddles! ^_^ miss you na... *sigh* whats been up with me? hm... school... i think im actually passing chem and trig... (yipee....) chorale... have loads of pracs... and im tired.... *sigh* ari... ^_^ that one made me smile... my brother... he's been REALLY sweet lately... ^_^ iced tea... looove iced tea... (huh?!?!) bed... nice, soft, comfy bed... (yes... im a bum...) been trying to write a story... it hasnt been working... im too lazy to actually pen down the thoughts... or by the time im writing down one part i've totally lost the next thought... this isnt working... um... im just in my kuya's room... checking my emails and blog... (wearing this cute shirt with a cow print!!) ^_^ hehe... well... i have nothing else to say... ciao...

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

just want to say a big i love you kuya!!!! hehehe........
hola! hola! hola! *sigh* im in class... im bored... *sigh* congratulate me!!! it was our third monthsary yesterday!!! ^__________^ yey!!! snuggles loves you cuddles!

Friday, January 23, 2004

ack! tired... so tired... had chorale practice all day yesterday... it was alot of work... plus i had to do alot of chores for miss P... *sigh* so tired... had migraine since last night pa... and guess where i am... yup... im in school... why? because i had to go to school... *sigh* well... thats life... at least ari kept visiting me... last tues, wed and yesterday... ^_^ i have such a sweet and amazing boi... ^_^ oh! and my brother and i are ok now... ^_^ did i mention we fought? it was my fault... anyhoo... im just in the school library... bored... missing ari... wishing i was home... my ride wont be here for at least another hour... hassle... i want to sleep... i miss my bed... *sigh* my nice soft bed.... *sigh* yep... im really tired...

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

hm... i have just been thinking.... since its 2004 and thus a new year, i think it would be good for me to look back into 2003 and see how far i've come... its rough... its incomplete but... this was my year...

it all started out the same... i had a crush (i'll call him "fudgy" for this entry) who seemed to be crushing on me too... well... me and fudgy got along cause we were once close friends although alot of people would now say that he is a fucking asshole... well... since i've had a crush on him for such a long time i jumped at the chance to get close to him again... we spent some time the summer days... and texted alot too... hehe... conceited girl that i am... i thought he kinda liked me... well.. to say the least i was wrong...

last summer i also lost my cellphone... i was just in the mall with my bestfriend erkie when i noticed that my phone was missing from my bag... well...i went home and cried.... alot... but my brother was such a sweet guy and kept telling me its okay... which it was... that was one of those times my brother is really very sweet.... thanks kuya... i love you....

hmm.... the next important event.... one of my friends called me one night and basically told me that i'm loud and insensitive and that i should stay away from the barkada.... huh?! i know i could be loud, but insensitive?! well... anyhoo... i was really shocked and really hurt... she told me she was speaking for everybody in the barkada so i just kept quiet.... maybe i AM insensitive.... my brother and my dad were really nice to me... they kept giving me advice and helped me figure things out... if they cant like me the way i am, and i find nothing so evil about myself... then fine...

the thing with my friends were settled when i talked to agnes.... they didnt think i was the evil person the other girl made me feel like... i was eventually back int he barkada... the girl gave no apology and i didnt ask for any... she was wrong but thats okay... she hurt me bad but thats okay... ack! who am i kidding?! i still hold a grudge...

hmm... this one was really important.... my tita got sick and she passed away... well.... *sigh* how can i say this? i felt horrible.... she was my ninang and i wasnt there for her... i know, i know... what could i have done, right? nothing... but now i wish i visited her in the hospital more often.... so that i could have just spent more time with her... well... i guess regrets come late...

from bad news to good news... ari came into my life.... i will forever thank the heavens for him.... he came into my life just when i was in a horrible down.... i was depressed, i was insecure, i didnt even know who i was....but he made it all okay... he loves me and... thats all that matters.... i have been hiding myself from the world by wishful thinking... and i awoke from my pleasant dreams to find myself in a fairytale of my own... true and mine alone... ari, i love you... you kept me sane.... =)

there were other events of course.... other things that happened to me... but none of them affected me as much as these did... for better or worse i went through all of these and here i am... still in one piece....