
a stranger to myself.


Monday, April 12, 2004

today is april 12. 11 years ago on this day a very dear person to me passed away. 11 years ago my mom died. i just thought its just proper that i dedicate this blog entry to her. i just came home from the memorial park with my dad and brother. had some quiet time there to reflect and 'talk' to my mom. although i no longer feel bitter about losing her, i cant help but miss her. i barely knew my mom but i know she was one hell of a woman. i'd be lucky to be a tenth of who she was. i hope one day people wil remember me as fondly as my family and i remember my mom. there. just had to say that. i love you mommy.

Monday, April 05, 2004
watching tv... not doing much here... just bumming... its just a slow summer vacation... (err...sorry for all the people who are still in school... ^_^) anyhoo... er... hm... ari was here this afternoon... im guessing he's either home by now or still in his friend's house... what can i say? er... my head is blank... i think i have thought too much... this might seem weird but i think i have ran out of things to think about... err.... thats contradicting isnt it?? hehe... nothing more to say or write... peace all...

Thursday, April 01, 2004

hola... er... i dont know what to say... i'm just with erkie in a net cafe here in bf... and um... ari and i had a disagreement last night... we havent exactly settled it cause i was called from the phone by my brother... *sigh* oh well... thats life... anyhoo... what to write? what to write? nothing really... peace....