
a stranger to myself.


Tuesday, August 31, 2004

i am still alive.
i think.... ????

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

comp class in zobel... not doing anything... bored... ei! did you see the dlsu-admu game last sunday? grabe nice game! ^_^ wala lang... im just... weird.... hehehe... i think im at peace with the universe today... i mean at least i hope so... i was good last suday and yesterday.. hope im still at peace with the universe today... and i hope the universe is still at peace with me...

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

another day... had a bad monday yesterday... miss p. was really mean and insensitive to us... i dont like getting half-screamed at... i dont like being insulted... i dont like being under-appreciated... and i dont like the fact that i care so much... *sigh* i cant help it though... oh well... thats life is it not? life has been so redundant lately... there is nothing new... im still here..

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

im better now... maybe its because its raining... i like rainy days... hmm... *sigh* if only i was at home in bed, looking out the window (seeing blessed rain), with a notebook on my lap and a pencil in my hand, flowers by the bedside table and ari beside me.... *sigh* can i just say perfect? well... a girl can dream... (chorous of "dream on marah" on the background) just in computer class right now... really confused with the lesson... (??!?!??!??????????.............) hm.... people around me are all dazed... (so am i for that matter....) we have a CL quiz next and i really dont give a damn.... *sigh* i want a haircut but my brother said we'll just go on thursday... hm... i wonder if erkie can go with me later.... she hasnt been replying to my text messages.... (erkie ano ba?! miss na kita!!!) ... *sigh* as you can see my thoughts are scattered all over the place.... *munch munch munch* grape flavored mentos... mmm..... yumm......

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

am still down... and still have that weird feeling... i dont know.... maybe there is something wrong with me... have been going to ilsean armageddon alot lately.... its really so cool... for those who have a passion for plotting against the human race just check it out... if you're just thinking about destroying the world then it ok for you too... hm.... *sigh* i just checked my friendster account.... i saw my brother's testimonial for me... it made me smile.... i love you kuya.... *sigh* hm.... *munching on grape flavored mentos* yummy.... hm....

Monday, August 02, 2004

anyways... off to my ramblings... ever felt a weird yet ceratin feeling of doom? well... i have that... the weird feeling of dying within this year for no reason... hmm... yes... i think too much... but really... i know im like depressed half the time but this is seriously different... its just a plain silly premonition of death... hm... so if i do die thgis year... wow... creepy..... weird.... but creepy... hm..... i guess ive been thinking too much again... or maybe too little lately... hm.... theres a thought... maybe im allergic to not being depressed or something... weird... but for some reason despite the years in being too thoughtful... i am still not used to being this way... i hate the feeling of imminent disaster... i could sure use a normal brain... why am i like this? *sigh* well... anyway.... ive been writing again... which is always a good thing... finished a story last week.... it wasnt that good though...

busy and stressed... *sigh* that is exactly how i feel... went to dlsu taft last saturday for a chorale practice there... it was about 5-6 hours of singing... i got to spend most of the time with richele, gab and abbie... it was kinda fun with the mineral water with an expiration date and all that... the 3 of them were very nice to me... *sigh* yesterday i went to my lola's house with my dad... got to see my cousins... i miss them... *sigh*